Please review and ensure you are familiar with the league's rules:
This is the USGA equitable Stoke Control table for 18 holes.
Equitable Stroke Control |
Course Handicap |
Maximum Number on any Hole |
9 or less |
Double Bogey |
10 through 19 |
7 |
20 through 29 |
8 |
30 through 39 |
9 |
40 or more |
10 |
We use this table to adjust stokes on holes.
However, you must be aware that the Handicap we use on scoring and handout sheets is a nine hole handicap, therefore when to use the table above you need to double your handicap.
Country Knolls West Golf League control |
Course Handicap |
Maximum Number on any Hole |
4 or Less |
Double Bogey |
5 through 9 |
7 |
10 through 14 |
8 |
15 through 19 |
9 |
League also plays that you can not get more than double par on hole.
Steps to come up with Handicap
- Scores each week are adjusted based on chart above. See example 1.
- Scores used to come up with handicap is your adjusted score minus par. This takes into account that some nine's are par 36 and some are par 37.
- The average of the 4 lowest out of 6 scores is then taken for your handicap.
- Handicaps are adjusted every 3 weeks
- Maximum handicap anyone can have for 9 holes is a 16.
a) If you were in the league last year you start out with your ending handicap from the prior year for the first 3 weeks. Then for your new handicap we will use the last 3 scores from last year plus the first 3 scores from this year to determine your handicap after week 3.
b) If you were not in the league last year you will not have a handicap until week 4, at which time your handicap will be calculated using data from the first 3 weeks and all matches will be scored at that point. If you only play 2 weeks, we will use your 2 weeks plus an average of the 2 weeks to get a third score.
League Scoring
- Maximum points that can be awarded in a match is 13
- Breakdown of points is a follows:
- 1 point per hole (9 points)
- 1 point for low net
- 1 point for most holes won during the match
- 1 point for each member showing up (2 points)
- Point for each hole. a) First you compare your handicap to handicap of person you are playing. Bill 8 Joe 10. b) Difference between two handicaps are stokes player with higher handicap will be given in match. Joe gets 2 stokes here. Joe will get 1 stoke on the two hardest holes on the nine as indicated on the scorecard. Each hole you compare the score of each player on the hole, taking into account if a player gets a stoke on the hole. Player with lowest score on hole wins the point for that hole. If players tie score (adjusted for stokes) on the hole then each player gets 1/2 a point. Note: Most stokes a player can get on a single hole is 1. So if Joe's handicap is a 16 and Bill's is a 4, in theory Joe would get 12 stokes, and Joe will get this for determining low net. However, for individual holes Joe can only get 9 stokes because he can not get more than 1 stoke on an individual hole.
- Point for low net. Add up scores for 9 holes, subtract handicap from score. Lower score gets point. If low net is tied each player gets 1/2 point.
- Point for most holes won during the match. Nine holes, for each hole you will get 1 point – If you win the hole, ½ point if you tie the hole, 0 if you lose the hole. At the end of nine holes if you have five points or more you win the match and get 1 point. If you have 4 and ½ points you split the match and you get ½ point. If you have 4 points or less you lose the match and get -0- points.
- Point for showing up. a) If each person in a match shows up for the match that week, then each person receives 1 point. b) If only one person shows up for the match that week that person receives 1 point, total points for match will be 12. c) If neither person shows up for the match that week no points for showing up are awarded and the total points in the match will only total 11.
- Missed matches. You can make up a match either two weeks prior to the week you are suppose to play or two weeks after the week you were suppose to play. If you do not make up the match within this time frame then you get zero points for that week. If you showed up the week the other player did not show up, and the match is not made up, your score for that week will be matched against the course to determine your points.
- Playing the course. When you play the course you get your handicap. So if you are a 12 handicap for 9 holes you would get 1 stroke on six holes and 2 stokes on the 3 hardest holes. So if you play a par 4 and get 1 stoke on the hole and you get a 5 on the hole you split the hole and got ½ point for the hole (your score 5 less 1 stroke = 4, the course gets a score of par for the hole, in this case 4, since you got a net 4 and the course got 4 you split the hole). When you play the course and showed up for that week, the worst you can get is 7 points.
- Dropping scores. The low 3 scores you get are dropped for the year – you play 15 matches and your best 12 count
- Play ready golf. Generally, away player goes first, but if for some reason he is not ready or can not hit, next closer player should be ready to hit. This improves speed of play.
- League rule that you can not get more than double par on hole. Therefore if you are at double par pick up and move to next hole. (if your foursome is waiting for group ahead of you and you are not slowing down play, you can play out hole, but score on card should not exceed double par).
- Gimmees on putt. There are no gimmeess per say. All players should put out hole. If you are within 1 foot to 2 feet and person you are playing match with wants to give you putt it can be allowed. But if person you are playing with is making up a match you should not be giving away putts because it could affect another match.
- In course is wet and it is announced prior to first group going out winter rules may be played.
- Ball lost in high grass. Player and opponent know it is there. Look for 5 minutes. Can't find. One stroke penalty. Play ball from agreed area. Drop ball with no improvement in lie.
- Ball hit into the woods off tee (or fairway). Options:
A. Hit a provisional if needed (if there will be no way to go back on line and drop the ball due to water hazard or it is not possible to know if the ball is findable). Player hitting 3.
B. If original ball found, it must be played where it is or one stroke penalty and ball is taken back on line and dropped – player hitting 3.
C. If player does not hit provisional and cannot find ball then one stroke penalty and ball is taken back on line and dropped. Ball cannot be thrown into fairway from woods. It must be taken back towards tee box on line and dropped. – Player hitting 3
Ball on line – If a ball can’t be played where it lies, the player should walk back on line from where the ball was found or where the ball entered the woods (or water) towards the tee. The player can walk back as far as they desire toward the tee to have a better angle or lie. This should be done with approval from your opponent. (1stroke penalty applied) - Ball on cart path. One club length from edge of cart path. Either side. No closer to hole. No penalty.
- Ball in fairway - ball can be improved in lie. Up to 6 inches from location.
- Ball not in fairway - ball cannot be touched. Lie cannot be improved. If ball cannot be identified, it must be marked with a tee. If then identified, it must be placed back in the position it was in.
- Ball on green, but player who hit in still in fairway. Another player hits ball with approach shot. Replace first ball in original position. No penalty.
- Besides above normal rules of golf apply.